Rubiks Starter Pack 3 x 3 and Edge Cube

Rubiks Starter Pack 3 x 3 and Edge Cube

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Introducing the ideal starter pack featuring the Original 3x3 Cube and the Edge Cube. This pack is ideal for beginners looking at solving their first cube. The Rubik’s Edge is suitable for everyone - all ages and abilities are welcome to take on this challenging Rubik’s puzzle toy!

The Edge: With only 192 permutations, the Rubik’s Edge is a simple one-layer Cube designed to train you up so that you can take on the more complex Cubes with ease.

The iconic 3 x 3: This original Cube has 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 combinations, but only one solution. As you get familiar with the Edge Cube, solving the 3x3 will be a breeze.

Recommended for ages 8+

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